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This Is What I Feel ~

Skin by : Zuhairah Zainuddin

Edited by : Diana DeWyze

Just a smile and the rain is gone ~ Eh ?
Saturday 7 September 2013 | 22:43 | 0 army(s)
Peoples say everything happens 4 a reason, i tried so hard to believe it but yet no one reason in this world could satisfy me. *sigh* -life- always needed a big sacrifices just to gain a little reward. 
LOL Stop it, there's no use to cry over split milk, everything is just happened , accept it, nothing that can be done to change it. Chill Yan, it is not yet the end of the world. 

Sometimes i felt tired to face the same whole thing everyday, 
-- been knocked down, rising up alone, making decision, being judged --.
 Tired of pretending everything is okay while actually nothing is going right. 
Tired of thinking everything is gonna be better soon,
 Tired of holding on something that me, myself wouldn't even dare to
 Like typical people saying, "Life is like a video game, you never know what's on the next level."
And it's really sucks when u know u did the best you could but it still wasn't good enough. Damn. Hahaha Relaxxxxxx , take a deep breath, remind myself, it's just a bad day, not a bad life. Yeah "life might be stormy now but it can't be rain forever." everything in life i temporary, because everything changes.

Trying to be strong - Fuck everything and walk away with smile. But sometimes i'm not strong enough and i cried because i'm trying to act tough yet when realizing taht i'm actually a normal human, I'm happy when something good happens, I'm sad when somethings sad happens, i'm mad when something bad happens.

"We never know how strong we are until being strong is the only choice we had." 
And i realized that life is tough but i am tougher . Eh ?

Just a smile and everything will gonna be alright, Smile is a symbol of  hope and strength, Smile is a perfect weapon to cover a million of tears. Looking back my past and smile over it, Learn from my mistake, promise myself that i will never repeat the same mistake, living my present, searching for a better future. 

Ya Allah, rely on you. Please make every tomorrow brighter than every yesterday. 
Thanks Allah 4 giving me the opportunity for me to make a brighter future, living a better tomorrow, makes me appreciate everything before they're gone.

Ya Allah, Berikanlah aku ingatan yang kuat , keazaman yang tegar untuk menghadapi PMR aku pada tahun ini. Amiin.

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